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How Low Flow Fixtures Can Help You Save on Water

Colonial Heights PlumberThere are millions of people around the world today without access to safe water for drinking or daily usage. This is expected to worsen as the earth's precious natural resource, water, is being depleted at a rapid rate.

To help reduce the rate at which this natural resource is consumed, there are several things you can do to help as examined below. This will not only help the earth by conserving its precious water, but it will also save you a great deal of money on your water bill.

Low Flow Toilets

Since the old toilet in your home accounts for almost half of the water consumption, using low flow toilet is highly recommend. Low flow toilets, which came into existence during the mid 1990's after the water conservation law passed, are excellent in conserving water.

These toilets use 1.6 gallons of water per flush but does the job of a toilet that uses 7 gallons of water per flush. Just imagine if your household flushes the toilet approximately ten times daily. This means less of your hard earned money down the drain and also conserving the earth's precious water at the same time.

Shower Heads

The type of shower head in your shower also plays a major role in water usage in your home. Typically, several years ago you will have to use a shower head that consumes lots of water to enjoy a nice, massaging bath.

Thanks to the technology today, you can enjoy the same bath or even a better one with a new water efficient shower head. These shower heads comes in numerous sizes and styles and uses less water than their counterparts. Hence, you don't have to sacrifice your bath enjoyment and you will also save a great deal of money on your water bills by conserving water.

Colonial Heights Fixture Installation ServiceFaucets

Like the type of toilet and shower head in your home, faucets also play a significant role in your water usage. Older faucets tend to use a lot of water. Fortunately, Federal Plumbing Standards now require faucets to be more efficient and use less water.

These high efficiency faucets can save you up to 40 percent of the water you use in the kitchen. These faucets comes is several different designs and sizes.

Furthermore, they are inexpensive and worth the investment because they will conserve water and basically pay for themselves in a few months depending on the cost.

Don’t delay. Give Colonial Plumbing & Heating Co., Inc. a call at (804) 526-8415 to save money and lower the carbon footprint of your Colonial Heights home without changing your busy lifestyle.