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We’ve Got Answers to All Your Pressing Boiler Questions

Boiler Facts

Modern boiler systems are the very model of efficiency, using recycled water and principles of heat retention to bring radiant heating to your home. Heated water from your plumbing system is funneled through your structure via pipes that provide radiant heating.

Most citizens in Colonial Heights, VA are quite familiar with radiant heating as it has been installed in every new structure for years. However, they might still have some questions about boilers, which we hope are answered below.

Question 1- How are boilers energy efficient?

Energy Efficient BoilerBoilers provide homes with a fantastic return on investment because it takes very little natural gas to heat the water in pipes that will then heat your entire house.

Condenser boiler systems are self-contained and because there is no exhaust or vent in the system, all of the heat that you pay for is retained and used over and over.

Water that cools is reheated by the boiler, which in turn saves you money on your water bills.

Question 2 - How does an energy efficient boiler save cut costs?

Save MoneyAny time an appliance saves energy, it is saving you from having to pay for the fuel or water that is driving that energy. Boilers use so little natural gas that many homeowners see a 90% reduction of what they pay on their bill every year.

If you want to save money on energy, then converting to natural gas and then installing a condenser boil, is an excellent suggestion.


Boiler QuestionQuestion 3 - Does a boiler boil water?

It is not necessary to heat your house with water that has a temperature of 140 degrees.

This is simply too hot and you will have to pay for the fuel to boil water as well. Your home will warm quite nicely if it is heated to only 60 or 70 degrees.


Question 4 - Does the heat from a boiler humidify the room?


Radiant heat systems do not create humidity. The heat it produces is dry and comfortable.

If your house is older, you can humidify the room naturally by placing wet towels or jars of water on top of the radiator.