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5 Ways of Deodorizing Your Garbage Disposal

It’s impossible to deny the benefits of owning a garbage disposal. You can use it to make kitchen cleanup nearly effortless. The only problem is that using it frequently can lead to foul odors accumulating inside of your drain. If you’ve noticed a foul smell coming from your garbage disposal, then it’s probably a good time to do something about it.

The good news is that most of the foul odors aren’t permanent, and in most cases, it shouldn’t take too much effort to get rid of the smell. Since many natural remedies can be used, you probably already have most of the ingredients inside of your home.

Cleaning What’s Visible

garbage-disposal_360To get rid of foul odors, it’s a good idea to start with cleaning the visible portion of the disposal. You can pour some dishwashing soap onto a brush and scrub the part of the disposal that you can see.

It’s important to check the joint where the sink basin meets with the disposal rim. Many small food particles can get trapped in this space and begin to stink. It’s also quite common for mold to start growing near the joint.

By cleaning the visible portion of the disposal, you can start the process of elimination and find out if the smell is coming from deeper in the drain. Professional plumbers can handle most garbage disposal problems, and since we’re professional plumbers, we can handle these issues for you.

Eliminating Slimy Residue

Another effective way to deodorize your garbage disposal involves dislodging slimy residue. Kosher salt works very well as an abrasive cleaner and can quickly get rid of slimy residue. First, you’ll want to pour a large cup of ice into the disposal and turn it on.

While the disposal is running, you can add a half cup of salt into the drain. The combination of ice and salt will remove residue that could be producing foul odors. Since this is a natural remedy, it doesn’t involve the use of any harsh chemicals, and it has the power to remove foul odors.

Remove Odors with Citrus

cut_up_some_citrus_480For quite some time, homeowners have been using citrus for a wide range of applications. Citrus juice happens to be useful for eliminating odors.

The juice from citrus fruits will clean your drains and deodorize the pipes. If you have grapefruits, oranges, limes or lemons, you can use them to clean your garbage disposal and get rid of odors. Some people prefer to grind peels inside of the disposal while others use whole fruits.

By grinding citrus juice, you can deodorize the disposal and make your whole kitchen smell much better. The rough peels from the fruits can also clean the disposal blades and walls. Citrus juice will keep your kitchen smelling fresh.

Perform Deep Cleaning

In some situations, the only way to remove foul odors is to perform a deep cleaning on the garbage disposal. This strategy is usually reserved for persistent odors. You can use a stainless-steel clamp and rubber test cap to get the job done.

If you notice persistent, lingering odors coming from your drain, then there is a good chance that food sludge has hardened to the walls of the pipes. Before you start cleaning the disposal, it’s a good idea to run hot water down the drain for about 60 seconds.

Next, you’ll need to dismantle the garbage disposal and remove it from the sink. To deep clean the disposal and pipe, bleach might be the only chemical that will get the job done. Once everything has been scrubbed with bleach, the foul odors should be gone.

If you still have problems, it’s best to call a professional plumber. Since we’re experienced plumbers, we can check your pipes and eliminate foul odors. We can also help you learn the best ways of cleaning the disposal to make sure it smells fresh.

Vinegar and Baking Soda

pouring-baking-soda-down-the-garbage-disposal_360A natural cleaning solution consists of a mixture of baking soda and vinegar. Some people call this the volcano method because of the reaction between these two chemicals.

First, you’ll want to sprinkle some baking soda down the drain. You can use about a half cup. Next, pour about one cup of vinegar down the drain. When the vinegar reacts with the baking soda, it will create a volcano effect and should get rid of any foul odors coming from the garbage disposal.

It’s a good idea to let the bubbly mixture sit for about 15 minutes. Once you’ve allowed the mixture to sit, you can run hot water through the garbage disposal and flush everything out of it. Baking soda is one of the best natural deodorizers out there.

Objects to Avoid

If you want to keep your garbage disposal from smelling foul, prevention works exceptionally well. It’s a good idea to never run starchy foods through the disposal. You should also stay away from fibrous vegetables because they can also cause problems.

It also doesn’t hurt to run the disposal for about five seconds longer than you think is necessary. A lot of people don’t realize that particles can get stuck inside of the disposal and produce foul odors. If you don’t have success with any of these deodorization techniques, you should call a plumber.

Since we’re professional plumbers, we can help you with any plumbing issues that you might be having. We can check for the source of foul odors and see if they’re coming from your pipes. We can also fix leaks and make sure your garbage disposal is operating correctly.

We’ve worked with many clients, so we can check for common problems and make sure your plumbing system is functional. The garbage disposal is supposed to enhance your kitchen and not make it smell awful. As long as it’s cleaned properly, it should emit any pungent odors.

For high-quality services in your Colonial Heights, VA home, call Colonial Plumbing & Heating Co., Inc. at (804) 526- 8415.